I Had To Admire Them

I had to admire them. At the time, I was not sure that I would have been as strong and courageous as they were in the face of such adversity. You can see the whole thing at KLDENTALMARKETING.com and find out why this happened.

Their story was part of the news for perhaps a year or longer. At one point the family even moved away to a neighboring state. As I recall none of the doctors seen on the media would agree with the parents, all of the doctors sided with the state in saying that the boy had this disease and needed this specific treatment. If the parents had any doctors on their side, the media was not telling the public so that I don’t know.

At the end though, the parents ended up winning their case. The boy did not receive the conventional treatments the state was trying to enforce. Had the state been correct and had he truly been as sick as they said, with the only way for him to get well being the invasive treatments, he would have died by now. In this case, the state and the so-called “experts” were wrong.


His parents with the Love in their Heart and the Intuitions of their Souls were right. They knew.
A year or so later, I saw an update on the news. This time it was reported that he was healthy, strong and cancer-free. It’s funny how the media can change sides on a subject.

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